Sunday 20 March 2011

What makes a maker?

Recently I have started to question what makes one a maker and what drives us to make.  I have noticed that during the recent co-design workshops led by The Textile Sampler and the previous workshops to those that the participants, myself included, light up and become more energised as soon as they are armed with a making tool, even if it is as simple as a felt tip and a post it.  The discourse comes alive and ideas flow.  However I have also noticed that the more involved in making one becomes the less interactive it can be - the participants, absorbed in their making/drawing/experience, quieten down and withdraw from group communication, albeit it with occasional input - they are still listening, a very different but equally important form of engagement.  I wonder if the same interest bubbles up in a business environment, whether people in those fields feel more alive when given the chance to create/draw/write in a bright colour.

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