Thursday 18 October 2012

Project / Play

This autumn I am involved in a a new project!  It's called Project / Play (blog here) and is a research project with 2 companies from Japan.  So far I have attended the first 2 workshops and have started to understand more about myself as some one who likes to play (I have a collection of toys, childrens books etc, also I like to play within my own practice) and started to think more deeply about my ideal toy and the qualities I would like it to have.

These images are from the first workshop:

We were exploring different ways to explore space.  A variety of ideas came up including using ear trumpets to block/scoop noise from in front of you or behind you, finger extensions and masks which block parts of your vision.  We also looked at narrative of objects, and creating a narrative for objects.

These images are from the 2nd workshop:

We were given a kit of ingredients with which to make a series of objects, each utilising the elements of the previous object.  Each new object had to have a moving part.  I made some more complicated pieces than this but ended up pairing it down to just these components.

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